Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Scene of the Accident

Our Delft hotel room, as promised by Hilbren, was strangely decorated. Not only that, it also had a strange layout, due to the age of the building, I'm sure, and would become an accident waiting to happen.

Our beds sat on a level three steps up from the main part of the room, one which was very large compared to 90% of hotel rooms in Europe. Sam says she remembers thinking "oh no" when we first entered; and we would soon agree that people our age don't need to navigate additional steps, especially in your hotel room!

Long story short, Sam missed the last step after choosing her clothes for the day and preparing to take a shower on our first morning. I saw her hit the floor--flat on her face--after I heard the noise of her hitting two desk chairs against a table by the far wall. A hundred things went through my mind! (We put her colored luggage strap on the first step after the accident. Duh!)

She suffered a dull headache for a day or two but fortunately, she didn't sustain a concussion, break her glasses, her nose, her wrists, or any other bones. But it was certainly very scary for both of us and we counted our blessings. I took photos of her face every evening, which showed how her eyes gradually took on the semblance of a raccoon!! We were very lucky.

PS - I took this photo in Amsterdam the night before we caught our flight home on September 7th (three nights after the accident on the morning of the 3rd).

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