Saturday, March 1, 2014

Group Introduction Dinner

We met Hilbren and our new tour "buddies" in the lobby at 4:00 PM and walked to a pub, La Becasse, to have an introductory meeting and enjoy some Belgium Lambic beers. One of the oldest in Brussels, the pub turned 100 years old in 1977 and the grandfather of the current owners was born in the corner of the upstairs room (where we met).

Although Hilbren was born in the US, he was raised in Brussels and speaks French, Dutch, and English, of course. He is a newlywed and his wife is French (we met her in Bruges). After Hilbren's overview of the tour and information about the beer-tastings, we went around the room and introduced ourselves. Most of us made notes on our rosters next to each person's names so MAYBE we'd remember something about each other the next day.

Believe it or not, Sam and I actually enjoyed the Lambic, which tasted more like a carbonated soda than beer to us. Proost (or "Cheers" in Dutch)!

After a walk through the city center, introducing us to some useful city landmarks to get our bearings, we ate our first group dinner at Aux Armes de Bruxelles.

I enjoyed poached salmon with béarnaise sauce; the other choice was Belgian Waterzooi (which is a chicken breast sitting in a vegetable stew).

We finished up with a very delicious and intense chocolate mousse (which was probably why I didn't sleep that night!).

Whoops! I forgot to take a photo before I dug in. Chocolate, you know... I couldn't wait!

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